Tupiza Photos

In Tupiza, the placed where Butch Cassidy was finally shot, we went on the most fantastic horse ride through the most beautiful canyon. The scenery was out of an Indiana Jones movie, and the kids said they were waiting for the director to yell "cut"!
Aodhan rode alone sometimes, but with the guide at other times.

Puerta de Diablo - the Devil's doorway. These thin sheets of rock standing up are all through the valley.
These are large rocks, resting on thin spires.
A side view of one of the rock walls.
Another view of the Devil's doorway.

We rode a lot of the way on a dry riverbed. Notice the three different coloured hills. A yellow one in front, a red one behind that and a green one behind that!
The little houses on the outskirts of Tupiza.
On the road back to Uyuni. The scenery around Tupiza was all very beautiful.

The roads were better than from La Paz to Uyuni, but we still drove through riverbeds. This photo shows the road going across a riverbed. We watched the driver cross himself and murmer a prayer before crossing these...
The switchbacks in the mountains.
